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陆扬《出道》「艺术家说 」
Lu Yang Debut Artist Says
Lu Yang writes a short descritpion for each of his works, taking visual elements from popular and sub-culture on his canvas. By subverting this dichotomy, Lu Yang tips over the balanced and the normative with a wicked sense of humor. BANK would love to share those paragraphs and painting works to everyone.
Acrylic on canvas, mixed media 布面丙烯,综合材料
Lu Yang began idolizing Marilyn Manson since he first encountered his works in early teens. The androgynym Manson manifests has had lasting impact on Lu Yang and his practice. In this painting, Manson becomes an enchanting, vicious snake demon, unfaltered even when it is quadrople-teamed by Calabash Brothers (popular Chinese cartoon from the 80s) and their fiery power.
Lu Yang ‘Debut' Installation View @BANK
给我也喝一口好不好ヾ(>Д<;))))......,2019Acrylic on canvas, mixed media
Why is Venus always represented as a voluptuous young woman? How does visual culture tame our imagination of mythologies? Venus is a goddess, so is Chhinnamasta (a Hindu nude self-decapitating, blood-squirting goddess of contradictions). In Lu’s reinterpretation of “The Birth of Venus”, Chhinnamasta replaces Venus and becomes the center of attention. She bestows upon Loch Ness Monster and monstrous skull magical power by feeding them her sacred blood. She is the giver as well as the taker of life. Kali embodies contradiction and mutuality.
Daily Life of Azazel-san 恶魔阿萨谢尔的日常,2019 Acrylic on canvas, mixed media 布面丙烯,综合材料
二次元名作《恶魔阿萨谢尔》的原型阿撒兹勒(לארזע) 在犹太传说中是堕落天使之首,第一位因背叛上帝 而堕落的天使!希伯来语「神之强者」之意,像神一样强大,完全的除去移动荒野和海洋。这样一个叛逆 的堕天使在神殿中的日常又是怎样的?灵感源于人狮那罗辛哈(Narasimha)印度教"维护宇宙之神“毗湿奴”的第四个化身!
Famed Japanese anime You’re Being Summoned, Azazel-san finds its inspiration from Azrael, the Angel of Death. In Jewish and Islamic fables, Azrael was one of the first to be exiled from heaven for his unholy betrayal. “Azrael” means godly strenghth to move land and sea. What is daily life like in the palace of the Angel of Death? In Daily Life of Azazel-san, Lu Yang gives Azrael the physicality of Narasimha, the part-lion, part-man avatar of Hindu god Vishnu.
What a Snack! 惊叫美味!炮烙美少年!2019 Acrylic on canvas, mixed media 布面丙烯,综合材料
作者的一些朋友觉得作者长得酷似动漫人物Pipimi,此作中左右对称的Pipimi形象代表作者本人。作者自小 看封神演义中对酷刑炮烙的印象极其深刻,从小吃老北京铜锅喜欢把食物贴到铜锅柱子上YY是在给食物施 以炮烙之刑。画作中作者幻想自己巨大化后用巨大老北京铜锅给美少年们施以炮烙之刑。
In What a Snack!, Lu Yang is reincarnated as Anime character Pipimi, who bears remarkable physical resemblance with the artist, and overlooks the audience in front of the painting. Pipimi performs gunning (a cruel torture technique popularized by Investiture of the Gods, a popular 16th- century Chinese novel, where the victim is chained to a incandescent metal pole and subsequently burnt to death) on beautiful young men with a boiling hot pot.
Lu Yang’s Cult of Hotties 陆扬与六芒星✡帅哥组合,2019 Acrylic on canvas, mixed media 此作中充满了作者对自心降魔的憧憬,降服的是心魔,是对青春少年美色的执着欲魔,所以画作中由几个无头健美少年组成的六芒星魔法阵,六芒星符号发源于印度教的古代宗派Tantrism教派,其主要的崇拜偶 像是男根-女阴(Lingam-Yoni)的结合体,这些健美少年组合而成的六芒星可以召唤情欲,画作中少年们的头已经被代表作者本人的不动明王形象砍去并且喷溅鲜血,即是作者希望斩断一切情欲,净化自心的向往与信心!
Lu Yang’s Cult Hotties explores a will to overcome sexual desires towards beautiful young men. Seven headless muscular young men form a Star of David – a significant Tantric symbol originates from Hinduism. Tantrism centers around the deity Lingam-Yoni, whose avatar is characterized as a hybrid of male and female genitalias. While the formation of these young, muscular men conjures lustful desires, Lu, reincarnated as Acala in the painting, decapitates them to sever his own connections to such worldly lingerings and embark on a path to celibacy.
Kaiju Lu Yang number 1/2/3 陆扬怪兽1号/2号/3号,2019 In an ongoing series, Lu Yang reincarnates himself as “Kaiju”. The Kaiju then go on to seek aliance with Gozilla and spread fear and destruction in the tokusatsu (“Japanese monster movies”) universe. The Kaiju avatars first made an appearance in Lu Yang’s lastest video game production “Worldly World Adventures”. Lu distorts and demonizes his own physical appearance to become the Kaiju and other antagonists in the game, and this work re-imagines them on 2-D canvases.
Universe Gyaru (ギャル) Kali & Earth Visual Rock Smart Acrylic on canvas, mixed media
Lu Yang has always been inspired by Japanese Ganguro Gyaru subculture originated in Shibuya, Tokyo in the 90s. Ganguro Gyaru, roughly translated as “demon hot chicks”, are distinguished by a dark tan and over-the-top makeup, and embody a rebelious spirit like that of the Goddess Kali. Kali, with the head of a typical Ganguro Gyaru grafted on her body, decapitates a Shamate teenager with a decorated Sickle, leaving a bloodtrail of diamonds. Long live the spirit of Kali through the beginning and the end of the universe.
Lu Yang ‘Debut' Installation View @BANK
Chili Eyes! Old Man Reading Smartphone!Acrylic on canvas, mixed media
Lu Yang has been interested in the physical parallel between “Hu” panel (a small, rectangualr hand panel government officials wrote on to communicate information with the emperor in ancient China) and modern smartphone designs. What if people had smartphones hundreds and thousands years ago? What if deities used a device similar to a smartphone to find out the karma, good or bad, of the mortals to determine who goes to heaven and who doesn’t? Lu puts his answer on canvas.
Lu Yang Self Portrait: Kalipipimi 陆扬自画像#13,2019 Acrylic on canvas, mixed media在古印度史诗著作《罗摩衍那》中神猴哈努曼打开他的胸腔展示了在他心脏上的罗摩与悉多,而陆扬画作中将自己的脸嫁接到其宗教偶像卡莉女神身上,打开胸腔跳跃出的是一个竖着中指的Pipimi,这张画像的表面充满着陆扬向往利用黑暗与暴力对末世的调服,而内在又是病态萌文化对世态的幽默不屑。一副多态度符号的画作。
In the ancient Indian epic “Rāmāyaṇam”, Hanuman cuts open his chest to display the Ram and Sita on his beating heart. Taking such a folklore as inspiration, Lu casts himself as Goddess Kali – a Hindu Goddess significant in Lu’s own spiritual denomination. Kali rips her chest open, showing a Pipimi with middle fingers up. Lu Yang expresses his dystopian wish to take the world under his reign with dark violence, and his playful contempt towards the world that finds its roots in the “Meng” mordibity subculture.
Lu Yang ‘Debut' Installation View @BANK
Acrylic on canvas, mixed media 布面丙烯,综合材料
Lu Yang’s dog Biabia has a RSF (resting sad face). Lu doubled Biabia’s saddness in this painting.
陆扬在UCCA(北京),木木美术馆(北京),Cc 基金会(上海),Spiral(东京),福冈亚洲美术馆(福冈),Société(柏林),克利夫兰当代艺术博物馆(克利夫兰) 等场馆举办过重要的个人展览。陆扬还参加了众多双年展三年展,如:2018年和2012年上海双年展,2018年雅典双年展,2016年利物浦双年展,2016年蒙特利尔国际数码艺术双年展,2015年第56届威尼斯双年展中国馆,以及2014年福冈亚洲艺术三年展等。
Lu Yang (b. Shanghai, China) is a multi-media artist based in Shanghai. Mortality, androgyny, hysteria, existentialism and spiritual neurology feed Lu’s jarring and at times morbid fantasies. Also taking inspiration and resources from Anime, gaming and Sci-fi subcultures, Lu explores his fantasies through mediums including 3D animation, immersive video game installation, holographic, live performances, virtual reality, and computer programming. Lu has collaborated with scientists, psychologists, performers, designers, experimental composers, Pop Music producers, robotics labs, and celebrities throughout his practice.
Lu Yang has held exhibitions in UCCA (Beijing), MWoods (Beijing), Cc Foundation (Shanghai), Spiral (Tokyo), Fukuoka Museum of Asian Art (Fukuoka, Japan), Société (Berlin), MOCA Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio). He has participated in several international biennials and triennials such as 2012 & 2018 Shanghai Biennial, 2018 Athens Biennale, 2016 Liverpool Biennial, 2016International Digital Art Biennale (Montreal), China Pavilion, the 56th Venice Biennale, and 2014 Fukuoka Triennial.
陈天灼 Chen Tianzhuo 《后台男孩》Backstage BoysShow will be extended until Jan 22Last week to check it out!
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